Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Thoughts on Energy

Thoughts on energy.

I have come to a conclusion on many so called "new age" energy practices and how they relate to my own experiences, teachings and experimentation. I have been largely self taught as I do not have the financial means to obtain training or "atunements" done. Still I feel I may have felt the same energy as Kudalini and Reiki practitioners even if it is "in the raw" as I am not a practitioner of either of these.

In the begining I was all being shown how to sense energy through both martial and magickal practices. I was trained in the use of the sword and was introduced to the concept of "sentiment du fer" or "feel of the blade". You could anticipate your opponent by sensing it. I akined this to a type of empathic sense. My master then channeled chi-kung and let me feel it. That was when I first experienced energy. I then learned I could generate the same feeling in others. I had no real training, it simply came natural. I could feel the energy as a tingling sensation. This moved on to producing energy balls and "pushy-hands". I still did not know what I was channeling at that time, was this outside or inside?  In Wicca, this same energy was used in circle casting with athame, sword or staff. I continued to play around with this energy until I found a book on astral thought forms. I then used the same energy to construct various astral objects filled with intent.

When I came to know my inner beast a bit better I soon learned of another energy. This was violent and chaotic and seemed to well up from the inside. It is this energy that invokes the shift. It is a forceful and angry energy. I have looked into Kudalini and this seems to match with what I experience when this energy raises. It's like a mighty explosion from within. I have used this energy in conjunction with many Golden Dawn derived rituals, such as the middle pillar and LBRP. I use the channeling astral energy mentioned above to cast my circle of pentagrams and then when "within me is the six-rayed star" a beam of light from above shoot down into my centre causing a reaction. That reaction is like an atom bomb going off. A mighty explosion of energy from within blasting everything in the area to oblivion. A fusion of above and below perhaps?

Another thing about those Golden Dawn rits.  I have learned that they are primarily used to teach the practitioner what the energy feels like. For example, if you do the LBRP constantly, you will eventually learn what the banishing and invoking energies feel like. Performing the rituals of the hexagram will let you know what planetary energies feel like.  Feeling is the first step. Once you know how the energy feels, you can then generate or channel it without the ritual. I have done this on numerous occasions.  Is this similar to being attuned to an energy by a master? As I have never experienced an attunement I can only speculate.

My work in alchemy and qabalah have shown me that there are indeed many different energies, or perhaps vibrations of the same energy. The key is knowing what that vibration feels like. There are so many techniques for sensing, channeling or even generating these energy frequencies that they all have a common focus. Wicca is concerned mainly with lunar, solar and elemental energy. Ceremonial magick goes into the energy associated with the planets or qabalistic sephiroth. Alchemy wraps up elemental and planetary and adds the three primes and the transmutative energies associated with the zodiac and the azoth.

As I compare alchemy to what I have seen of both Reiki and Kudalini, I have made the following conclusions.

Reiki seems to me to be the energy from without, or the "universal energy" so often described by its practitioners. This is the energy that is channeled by one so attuned to cause change and healing to the spiritual form. I would associate this energy to the Mercury of the Philosophers. It is the light of the universe itself and is receptive to the spirit, also associated with Our Mercury. Practitioners of other mystical paths may also be channeling this energy, call it the astral or Yetziric plane. I believe that they only scratch the surface when it comes to the full realization of this type of energy.

Kudalini seems to be the opposite. It is said that Kudalini is a "coiled serpent" based at the root chakra and when invoked rises through the chakra points until it explodes in a fountain of energy emanating from the crown. This energy can be channeled or directed in a continuous flow around the body. To the uninitiated this effect when it happens spontaneously can be quite disturbing as it is chaotic and forceful. This seems to associate with the Sulphur of the Philosophers. This is the primal energy or spark of creation. it is a mighty burst of energy from within. This is your soul. When this energy meets the universal energy the alchemic marriage is made.

The last form of energy therefore must be associated with the Salt of the Philosophers. This any scientist, mad or not, knows al too well. This is the energy of what most would call "physical reality". This is heat, light, force, gravity, electromagnetism, radiation, kinetic and potential energy. Using this physical energy in conjunction with the two "mystical" energies will cause true transmutation to occur. Remember the words of the Thrice Greatest.

So therefore in conclusion, it seems that there are 3 forms of energy and a myriad of vibrations of those 3 forms. Even physical electromagnetic energy has a "rainbow" of visible vibrations and hundreds of invisible vibrations. I think the tree of life is a road-map for the vibrational levels of universal and internal energy as well.

There you have it. My thoughts on energy. I have never been attuned by a Reiki master but can only speculate to how it may feel. I only wonder if I have, in a chaos magick sort of way, felt it without knowing. Kudalini is a definite. That energy just explodes like a nuclear blast, although I have learned to use my "mediation of the tempest" to make me a calm center in the raging storm. I also focus this into my therianthropic shifts.

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