Friday, May 11, 2012

The Power of Hope

We as a society, and I feel most of what we call "western" society as a whole have lost something. Something I remember we had even as soon as 12 years ago. No, it is not innocence. We gave that up when we let the genie out of the atomic bottle. What we have lost is not even faith, as we can see from our quite dogmatic neighbors who are vehement in their beliefs, no matter how skewed they may be. It is not even trust in our leaders, for even as there are those who are against the current and previous administrations, there are equally a number of those who are for them. We have lost something as a society that no one person, save one's self, can bring back into their lives and spirits.

When all the ills of the world were unleashed from Pandora's box, what was the one thing that remained?


We as a society have lost the last thing we had. We have not just lost it, but we gave it away freely! The sleepers were guided by some unseen hand to feel as if they are worthless, useless and bad. In that moment of desperation the human mind reaches out to anything, ANYTHING that can give them solace, even it that happens to be FALSE hope. We surrendered our hopes when the towers fell. We surrendered our hopes when the economy fell. We surrendered our hopes when we felt we had no where else to turn to but our leaders who also succumbed to false hopes and ideals. The sleepers surrendered the last bit of what they had, what they were, to what I call the Black Serpent. This foul beast coils itself about your very soul and fills the mind with poison. It promises power, strength and greatness. But all it does it take more and more each day. It represents the shackles of bondage to a false ideal. An ideal that is not of your own making. It's only goal is to drag you down into the pit of despair and hopelessness, consuming that spark of life, that HOPE, within every living thing.

We who do not sleep. We who feel the golden light of Hope within us. We who know that "every man and woman is a star" must press on with our work, our Great Work. Not everyone knows how tread on the Golden Path but those who do must shine as brightly as a fusing sun and light the way for those who have lost all, or feel they have. The Golden Light is the only thing that can defeat this Black Serpent. This is the Sol Invictus, The Light of Ra, and the Philosopher's Stone. The path of the Golden Road is never easy, and the results do not necessarily benefit the pathworker directly. But when you have helped someone who was in the grip of the Black Serpent, your very spirit evolves, changes, transmutes and grows as those who do around you. That solitary star becomes a constellation, then a galaxy, who's light illuminates even the dark emptiness of space itself.

Do not give up the fight. Do not give up HOPE!

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