Friday, August 13, 2010

My thoughts on karma

Karma is commonly the belief that whatever you do comes back on you.  A kind of spiritual reward and punishment system.  Yet again its another "control mechanism" to keep the proles in line.  The way modern wicca uses it in their 3-fold law is basically a hodgepodge and corruption between the real hindu belief and more classic Abrihamc dogma.

What real karma entails is basicaly how the spirit grows based on lessons learned in previous lives, not neccesarily what one does during that life.  Whatever you did or did not learn will be done again in the next life in whatever form you, thats right you, choose to take.  Spirit and or karma does not dictate who or what you will be in the next life.  The Bhudda was the only one to escape this cycle and his teachings show that karma can be trancended through enlightenment. So karma then is not a constant.

In the natural world there is no such thing as good, evil, or karma.  There is only action, reaction, survival and how much you are willing to pay in time, matter and energy.  The only thing that comes close to krama in my book is the concept of a power vacuum.  You send energy out, it creates a vacuum that must be refilled. The type that fills that void is of no consequence as the energy can always be transmuted or drawn from another source besides your own personal energy.  And as we all know, only fools draw on their own energy.

So, if you are willing to pay the price, do as thou wilt. Just know what the whole price entails.  It's my intention to become a spiritual millionaire, being able to pay any price.  It works the same in the physical world.  If you can afford a good lawyer, you can get away with murder...

I know personaly that some people are doing exactly that, not through the meditations on the Stone, but with peoples souls. And I don't see "karma" kicking their asses...

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